Pakistan Welcome Letter

On behalf of Paediatric Cardiac services in the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Disease, (AFIC) Rawalpindi Pakistan we welcome the launch of the William Novick Global Cardiac Alliance.

The names of Dr Novick (Proff. Bill) Stacey, Frank, Martina and the rest of the team members are held in great respect here- beyond any measure. They brought a revolution with them when they came to help us improve our paediatric cardiac service. With their help we have increased our number of surgeries from 70 to 700 per year, enhanced our ability to manage complex diseases, and improved the patient outcomes significantly.

The contribution of the Novick team was not only in giving us technical skills but by allying with our team they helped us to build a team with high individual, professional and ethical values that is able to provide care to children at an international standard and quality. We at AFIC consider ourselves part of the William Novick Global Cardiac Alliance and look forward to many years of continued collaboration and friendship.

Brigadeer Iftikhar Ahmed
Head of Paediatric Cardiac Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, AFIC/NIHD
Rawalpindi, Pakistan